League format with all teams playing each other once; 3 points for a victory; 1 for a draw; 0 for a loss.
· Winner is team with highest number of points; in case of equal points net try difference will be used to separate teams
· Since there are mixed, womens and mens teams we will adopt mixed rules i.e minimum of 3 females on pitch at all times through the match. Teams without women will be penalized by 1 score per missing female (a 100% mens teams will be penalized by 3 scores against a mixed team). Sorry but no bonuses for teams fielding more than 3 women.
· Referees : some will be provided by Strasbourg but if you have people who would like to referee let me know
Admin :
· Cost per team is €200 (lunch and evening barbecue included). Please make bank transfer to account details in attachment
· Please send me the number of participants ASAP so we can plan the meals.
H+35 & W+27 Zug M+35 remporte son match face à Barbarians par 3/1
H+35 & W+27 Swiss W+27 et Basel-Mix font match nul 1/1
H+35 & W+27 Zug M+35 remporte son match face à Swiss W+27 par 3/0
H+35 & W+27 Lions Mix+35 remporte son match face à Basel-Mix par 4/1
H+35 & W+27 Lions Mix+35 remporte son match face à Barbarians par 4/2
H+35 & W+27 Barbarians et Basel-Mix font match nul 4/4
H+35 & W+27 Zug M+35 et Lions Mix+35 font match nul 1/1
H+35 & W+27 Zug M+35 et Basel-Mix font match nul 4/4
H+35 & W+27 Lions Mix+35 et Swiss W+27 font match nul 1/1
H+35 & W+27 Barbarians remporte son match face à Swiss W+27 par 3/1